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EPF i-Invest

What is EPF i-Invest?

EPF members can choose to invest into EPF approved unit trust funds with Fund Management Institutions (FMI) using EPF’s i-Invest portal.

EPF Members Investment Scheme (EPF MIS) is a scheme that allows qualified EPF members to invest a portion of their Account 1 savings into unit trust funds.

Benefits of EPF i-Invest


Invest and perform transactions from anywhere.

Diversify Your Retirement Investment

Gain exposure to local and foreign markets.

No Cash Investment

Invest using your EPF savings.

Why Choose Us?

Our Experience

Disciplined and systematic investment process backed by experienced management team.

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Award-Winning Funds

Proven track record based on our award-winning funds.

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Hong Leong AM EPF-MIS Approved Funds

Name Category Islamic/Conventional
Hong Leong Value Fund   Equity Conventional
Hong Leong Dividend Fund   Equity Conventional
Hong Leong Asia-Pacific Dividend Fund   Equity Conventional
Hong Leong Balanced Fund   Balanced Conventional
Hong Leong Dana Makmur Equity Islamic
Hong Leong Dana Maa’rof Balanced Islamic

LSEG Lipper Fund Awards, ©2024 LSEG. All rights reserved. Used under license.

How To Invest

Login to EPF i-Akaun (Member).

Click “Investment” > “Transactions” > “Buy”.

Select Hong Leong Asset Management.

Select the fund(s) of your choice, and key-in your desired investment amount.

Confirm transaction.

EPF i-Invest User Guide

Click here for EPF i-Invest User Guide

Invest Now

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