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HLG Dana Makmur Donates RM 58,800 to Malaysian Charity Homes

3 charity homes benefit from Fund’s service charge proceeds

Kuala Lumpur, October 6– HLG Unit Trust’s HLG Dana Makmur has recently made a donation of RM 58,800 to 3 Malaysian charity homes. The charity homes that benefited from the contribution were Pusat Perlindungan Pernim, Rumah Bakti and Pondok Penyayang Raudhah. Each of the 3 charity homes received RM19,600 each.

Presenting the mock cheque to the charity homes were Mr Geoffrey Ng Ching Fung, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of HLG Asset Management Sdn Bhd together with Mr Teo Chang Seng, Acting CEO and Executive Director of HLG Unit Trust Bhd, who presented the cheque during a ceremony. HLG Unit Trust is the manager of HLG Dana Makmur and HLG Asset Management is the appointed external investment manager for the Fund.

Apart from the cash donations, staff members of HLG Unit Trust had also paid a visit to the children at the respective homes to bring them food and stationery provisions. During the trip, foodstuff, stationeries and other household supplies were contributed to help in the administration of the homes. The children were all smiles when the various goodies were distributed to them. The staff members and children thoroughly enjoyed the session together.

Pusat Perlindungan Pernim is a charity home that houses children who are abandoned at birth by HIV+ parents while both Rumah Bakti and Pondok Penyayang Raudhah shelters abandoned children and orphans.

This is the fifth time HLG Dana Makmur has donated a portion of the fund’s service charge proceeds to charity homes. The first round of donations were presented to charity in November 2001 followed by the second round in October 2003. The third and fourth rounds were in October 2004 and October 2007 respectively. In total, HLG Dana Makmur has donated RM 188,800 to charities since launch, including this round.

Launched in November 2001, HLG Dana Makmur is primarily an Islamic growth fund seeking to achieve consistent capital growth over the medium-to-long term by investing strictly in accordance with the Shariah requirements. As at September 15 2009, HLG Dana Makmur’s total fund size was RM 18,929,212 with 40,718,801 units in circulation.

About HLG Unit Trust Bhd

Incorporated on October 5 1994, HLG Unit Trust Bhd is an established unit trust management company, and a member of the Hong Leong Group. Its core business is the management of unit trust funds.

The company already manages 36 unit trust funds to date, which are distributed nationwide through multiple channels. Direct and channel distribution activities are supported by the HLG Unit Trust Bhd’s strategic nationwide sales support infrastructure. This includes our headquarters in Kuala Lumpur and six sales support offices nationwide in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, Johor Bahru, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu.

As at 15 September 2009, HLG Unit Trust Bhd has a combined total fund size of RM 3.17 billion.