Hong Leong Dana Al-Safa' (SGD Class A)
Fund Information
Fund Category | Fixed Income (Islamic) |
Fund Type | Income |
Product Risk Rating | Low |
Launch Date | 30 April 2021 |
Asset Allocation (% of Fund’s NAV) |
Performance Benchmark |
Malayan Banking Berhad 12-month Islamic fixed deposit-i |
Investor Profile |
The Fund is suitable for investors who:
Minimum Initial Investment | SGD1,000 |
Minimum Subsequent Investment | SGD500 |
Specific Risks |
Credit/default risk, interest rate risk, single issuer risk, counterparty risk, reinvestment risk, Shariah status reclassification risk and currency risk at the Class level. |
1Income may be distributed in the form of cash and/or additional Units.
Fee & Charges
Sales Charge# | Up to 3.00% of the NAV per unit |
Redemption Charge / Fee | NIL |
Switching Fee | NIL |
Annual Management Fee# | 0.00% p.a. |
Annual Trustee Fee# | 0.00% p.a. |
# All fees and charges and/or sum set out in this Prospectus payable to the Manager/Trustee are subject to any applicable taxes and/or duties and at such rate as may be imposed by the government from time to time. The Manager/Trustee (where applicable) shall have the right to charge and recover from the Fund any applicable taxes and/or duties now or hereafter imposed by law or required to be paid in connection with the products or services provided by the Manager/Trustee (where applicable). |
Fund Performance
1M | 6M | 1Y | 3Y | 5Y | YTD | Since Inception | Date |
Income Distribution
Gross (sen) |
Net (sen) |
Cum Distri Date | Cum Distri Nav (RM) |
Reinvest Date | Reinvest Price (RM) |
Yield (%) |
Income (%) |
Capital (%) |
Historical Fund Price
Valuation Date | NAV (RM) |
17/1/2025 | 1.0316 |
16/1/2025 | 1.0320 |
15/1/2025 | 1.0334 |
14/1/2025 | 1.0323 |
13/1/2025 | 1.0358 |
10/1/2025 | 1.0374 |
9/1/2025 | 1.0331 |
8/1/2025 | 1.0339 |
7/1/2025 | 1.0337 |
6/1/2025 | 1.0274 |
3/1/2025 | 1.0352 |
2/1/2025 | 1.0375 |
31/12/2024 | 1.0361 |
30/12/2024 | 1.0337 |
27/12/2024 | 1.0318 |
26/12/2024 | 1.0328 |
24/12/2024 | 1.0292 |
23/12/2024 | 1.0258 |
20/12/2024 | 1.0215 |
19/12/2024 | 1.0241 |